
Family Profile


Ref No. F00474/17

Family Details

Nationality: Egyptian
Marital Status: Married and living together
Religion: Muslim
Profession-Husband: Company Director of tourisim company
Profession-Wife: Housewife
Languages spoken: Arab,English
Names and ages of children: N/A
Description of home and locality: Home located in an urban area with access to public transport on a private compound. The compound has facilities such as a swimming pool and gym
Other help kept in home:
No. of hours worked weekly of other help: 3 members of staff for a total of 70 hours per week

Family Address Details

City: Cairo
Country: Egypt

Candidate Preferences

Type of help needed: Mother's Help
Approx starting date: ASAP
Length of stay: 6 months
Would you prefer a candidate:
who can cook?
who can swim?
who can drive?
who is a non-smoker?
who has experience with children?
who is mother tongue English?
Will the candidate be expected to do housework for the family?
Does your family have any special needs:
Will you accept a candidate who smokes only outside?
Do you need a candidate who speaks a particular mother tongue?
Does the candidate need to speak any foreign language?
Will you give use of a car?
Will you give use of the internet?
If no candidate was available for 1 year would you take someone for 6 mths?
Description of candidate's accommodation: Own private bedroom with private bathroom on a separate floor.
Approx hrs of work: Afternoon from7.00 to 00.00
Total daily hours: 10
Duties: organise closet - memorise clothes and outfits - pack and unpack luggage when travelling - accompany the client on regular days and when travelling - organise medication and give needed medication on time - prepare small snacks or meals when needed by client occasionally applicant must be able to read and write English fluently - applicant must be technology competent; be able to use a computer, iPhone, etc Check emails and give a brief
Time off: 1 1/2 days
No. evenings off: 0
Weekly salary: 625.00 US Dollar
Is salary negotiable?

Other Family Information

Family's interests: Travelling
Where do you go on holiday?: London
Do you have any animals? No
Any other relevant information which you feel is important:

Job Description

Cairo, Egypt. PA needed for husband who is a business man in the tourism industry. He owns a chain of hotels. Religion: Muslim. Dad is the company director of a tourism company, mum is a housewife. The family speak English and Arabic. They live on a private residential compound in an urban area with access to public transport. The compound has facilities such as a swimming pool and gym. Other help kept: 3 members of staff for a total of 70 hours per week. Requirements: Non-Smoker/Experience Excellent English even if not Mother Tongue. Use of internet given. Minimum 6 month contract. Accommodation: own private bedroom with private bathroom on a separate floor. Approx hrs of work: The hours of work are when the husband is not in the office. He is usually in the office fro 10.00 am to 7.00 pm so during this time you are free. Time off: 1 1/2 days including the evenings. Duties: Organise the husband's wardrobe, remember which outfits are needed for which occasion and prepare and lay them out for him. Pack and unpack luggage when travelling. Accompany the husband during the day and travel with him. Organise the medication he needs and give him his needed medication on time. Prepare small snacks for him and meals when needed occasionally. It will be necessary to read and write fluently in English. You will also need to be technology competent and be able to use a computer iPhone etc. Check emails and brief husband. The family have a driver. Salary: $ 625.00 net, negotiable, p/w (around £465.00 p/w, at the current rate of exchange).Family's interests: travelling. The family go on holiday to London.

Family Photos