
Family Profile


Ref No. F00442/17

Family Details

Nationality: Italy
Marital Status: Married and living together
Religion: Catholic
Profession-Husband: Lawyer
Profession-Wife: Lawyer
Languages spoken: English,French,Italian,Spanish
Names and ages of children: Agnes 2 years old Gwendaline 0 years old
Description of home and locality: We live in the very center of Milan, piazza Velasca is just in front of the cathedral.
Other help kept in home:
No. of hours worked weekly of other help: 56

Family Address Details

City: Milano
Country: Italy

Candidate Preferences

Type of help needed: Mother's Help
Approx starting date: ASAP
Length of stay: 6 months
Would you prefer a candidate:
who can cook?
who can swim?
who can drive?
who is a non-smoker?
who has experience with children?
who is mother tongue English?
Will the candidate be expected to do housework for the family?
Does your family have any special needs: I'll be facing maternity in September 2017 for about 5/6 months. I'm looking for someone who has past experience as live in nanny and with new born babies and a two years old curious and lively 2 years old girl. I need someone that entertains Agnes (2) and play with her, teach her interesting games and read books with her, take her at the nursery in the morning and to noon activities in the city centre. Alternatively it could be asked to take care of Gwen (0 years old). She will be asked to prepare meals for Agnes, cakes if possible and tasty home made healthy meals, and clean the kitchen. Take care of wardrobe tidiness of the children and their room.
Will you accept a candidate who smokes only outside?
Do you need a candidate who speaks a particular mother tongue?
Does the candidate need to speak any foreign language?
Will you give use of a car?
Will you give use of the internet?
If no candidate was available for 1 year would you take someone for 6 mths?
Description of candidate's accommodation: Private room with balcony with view on the city and sharing bathroom. Floor 25th with elevator.
Approx hrs of work: Morning from7.30 to 13.30
Afternoon from15.30 to 21.00
Total daily hours: 9
Duties: Prepare brearkfast For the children, change Agnes prepare her for the day, invent simple and intelligent games for her, even hand craft games, make her learn and to speak English, reprove (if necessary) and educate her constantly. Take her at the nursery or swimming lessons. Prepare meals for her, take care of her wardrobe, make seasonal change and stove small cloths in boxes with labels on it. Daily working hours must be flexible, depending on family needs, and bed time of the children. Agnes normally sleeps at 20.00. Days off: Monday and Tuesday morning till 13.00. Or request week ends can be swapped with weekly days off or more days off can be added in order to take a trip somewhere.
Time off: 1 1/2 days
No. evenings off: 1
Weekly salary: 350.00 Euro
Is salary negotiable?

Other Family Information

Family's interests: We are both working all week but during the weekends we like to travel, we go to the seaside in Liguria and Riccione. During the winter we go to the mountains and we love skiing. We like to travel, we like to organize journeys somewhere abroad once a year and we take the nanny with us. We like to host friends at home for dinner or Sunday lunch, we like to celebrate important happenings and we like to stay with our numerous family and friends. Possibly rest on Saturday mornings!
Where do you go on holiday?: In august and during Easter and Christmas period but the nanny must follow the family so she can take holidays in other periods, if requested.
Do you have any animals? By grannies many animals including bamby and rabbits
Any other relevant information which you feel is important: Agnes is attending nursery 5 mornings a week. She's very joyful and loves to be with other children and other people although she's very linked with me. Gwendalin will be born by November and I don't know how it will be her behavior but the nanny/mother's help - and I - will have to be prepared to face two children care and accept unscheduled day routine. This is very important and this means that if an extra working hour is requested, it must be granted conciously, bowing that this time will be repaid or given extra free time.

Job Description

Milan, North Italy. Mother's Help required for family with one child, Agnes aged 2. Another baby is due November 2017. Religion: R/C. Both parents are lawyers. The family speak English, French,Spanish and of course Italian. Agnes does not currently attend nursery but mum is planning on sending her to nursery from January 2018. Agnes is very joyful and loves the company of other children and other people although she is very attached to mum. The family live in the very centre of Milan, just opposite the famous cathedral. The family live on the 25th floor with lift. You will be able to borrow a car during your free time. Accommodation: own private bedroom with balcony with a view over the city. Share the bathroom with Agnes and guests.Other help kept: a full-time housekeeper for the heavy housework for 55/60 hours per week. Requirements: Ability to Cook/Non-Smoker or willing to smoke only outside/Experience/Willing to do Housework. Mum works full-time and is looking for an experienced candidate who has experience with babies. Use of internet given. 6 month contract. Approx hrs of work: 7.00 am to 2.00pm. 4.00 pm to 8.00 pm. Total daily hrs: 11. Duties: Entertain Agnes, play with her, teach her entertaining games and read books to her. Prepare Agnes's meals, bake cakes for Agnes if possible and tasty home made snacks. If needed also prepare simple Italian dishes for the parents. Prepare breakfast for the family, change Agnes and prepare her for the day, keep Agnes clean and tidy all day long, invent simple and intelligent, stimulating games for her, get her to learn and speak English. Discipline her if necessary and educate her constantly. Prepare her meals, take her of her wardrobe, make seasonal changes to her wardrobe and store her small clothes in labelled boxes. Mum loves tidiness. Be organized and carry out standard nursery duties. Time off: 1 1/2 days including the evenings and another evening off per week. You are asked to babysit for a maximum of 4 evenings a week. Salary: € €350.00 per week, net, negotiable based on experience and qualifications (around £313 per week at the current rate of exchange). Family's interests: Both parents work all week but at weekends they like to travel and go to the seaside in the Liguria and Riccione. During the winter they go to the mountains and they love skiing. They also enjoy organizing trips somewhere around the world once a year and will take their nanny with them so their will be the opportunity to travel. They enjoy hosting friends at home, preparing meals and organizing parties. If possible they like to celebrate important events and like to spend time with their large social circle of friends and family. They also like, if possible to rest on Saturday mornings. The family go on holiday in August and during Easter and Christmas. You would need to spend these times with the family and you will be able to take your holidays during other periods. Grandma has lots of animals including deer and rabbits but the family don't have any animals. Milan is the financial and fashion capital of Italy. There are lots of things to see and do and their is large international community. The lake region, Dolomites and Swiss border are not far away. There are other nannies working in the area.

Family Photos

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